Florida E-Fest is an annual gathering of folks from all over the USA, plus a few from other countries. We share many common interests, fetish and other wise, but in particular an enema fetish. It is a social gathering spanning 3 days and 2 nights. Attendees enjoy lots of social fun, entertainment and activities, both group as well as one to one. New friendships develop at every E-Fest and everyone leaves with a big smile on their face.

Many have attended prior E-Fests and look forward to renewing companionship with E-Fest friends. And new comers are warmly received: do not feel shy for this is a very friendly group. We do not discriminate regarding the standard statutory categories, LGBT included.  And for first timers, feel assured you will find a non-threatening, safe, encouraging environment.

Location and Date

This is the 18th year of the Florida E-Fest!  This year's event will be held, as usual, in the
Tampa Bay area. The hotel is a perfect venue for our group, especially the beautiful hospitality suite where we hold our activities. 

This year E-Fest formally begins
Friday, Nov 5 and concludes Sunday Nov 7.

For those whose schedule and budget allow, join with those who come early and leave late. Early birders tend to come a day earlier, checking into the Hotel on Thursday afternoon November 1 and staying over until Monday morning. Plenty of fun is going on during these "extra -curricular" hours. For those staying over on Sunday night, we usually gather as a group for a dinner together at a local restaurant.

Starting and ending time for E-Fest is sort of elastic. The hospitality suite (party room) is available from check in time Friday afternoon through Sunday morning. Party snacks and beverages are available while the hospitality suite is open.

About the Event

The Efest is like a weekend long social party where enemas are the main topic of discussion. 

Events, such as demonstrations (demos) and group discussions are often the high point for many. For some the best is making new friendships, while for old timers it may be all the socializing with fellow "kinksters". Regarding demonstrations and discussions, times are posted at the event

Everyone who attends the event is into enemas.  Both sides of the bag are well represented everything from first timers to seasoned Professional E-Nurses are known to attend.   

Everyone is welcome to attend and explore their enema desires.

Hotel Information

The hotel is in the Clearwater Area with easy access to the Gulf beaches.  The efest group has negotiated a reduced rate for the Event.  The hotel has five grades of rooms. Our group discount daily rate for the various rooms start at $140 for the smallest room and step up to $225 for suites. The group rate extends from 3 days prior to 3 days post event.

For security and privacy we would like your email address before we convey  the exact hotel information.

How to Register

The fee schedule: $100.00 for men

Ladies are invited to attend for free.  All Attendee's are requested to register.

To register contact Steve at Coastinsteve2@gmail.com please put Efest or Tyler Reunion in Email Subject

Absolutely no one is admitted without prior registration !  Also, no one is admitted at the door or on a " walk in " basis.

For any other questions or information

Del at

Steve at Coastinsteve2@gmail.com